Ibanda University Governance

The University is governed by the following bodies

1. The Board of Directors

This body was established by six directors who take the University ownership.
This Board is responsible for the following:

To oversee, guide and advise the University on the vision, mission, and objects of the University.

Offer moral and spiritual guidance to the University Council and Senate

2. The University Council

The University Council is the chief governing body of the University and it represents the interests of different groups. It is the final authority in establishing the University policies. It appoints University officers and academic staff other than the Chancellor.

There are three (3) important governing boards that report to the University Council and these are:-

(a) Finance, Planning and Properties Board

(b) Board of Appointments and Staff welfare

(c) Senate

The Vice-Chancellor is the Chief Academic, Administrative and financial officer of the University.

3. The University Senate

University Senate is the Chief Academic Council of the University. It establishes and awards Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates, and adopts academic policy, and regulates admissions and examinations. It recommends staff appointments and works with its committees under it.